Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Megat Eusofe

December 22nd marks another year wiser of my everdearst Megat Eusofe....

It's Megat's birthday!!! We had a be-earlied birthday celebration for Megat few days ago, in conjunction of Lina's trip to KL.. Since most of us will be down to Pavilion, KL to meet our beloved Drama Queen.. Nad n myself planned to have a lil celebration for Megat with help of Fara n Lina...

After lunch, while lepakking, we excused ourselves too the ladies... kononnya... but we did tho... Then we go n get a lil sumthing for himmm... lalalalaaaa... Hope it worked!! n the cake memang sangat sedapppp.... Choc with orange slice... (x perlu tanya berapa RM ye Megat!!.. lol)

Had hella good time with all - Lina, Megat, Ray, Fara, Nad Hazwani (fka Rainbow :), Azim, Capek.. Not in pic - Adam (snapping this) n Lilo... Not around - Syuk... larikkkk...

"Happy Birthday Megat dearie...

May life brings u lotsa joy, laughter n happiness...
May your wishes n dreams come true in pursuing everything that u've ever wished for...

Thanx for being sucha wonderful friend...
U're like my lil brother...

Thanx for all the wonderful moments...
and for capturing it in the most wonderful manner, an eye could ever longed for...

Many thing that i wanna thank for..
the images, the foods, the fridge magnets, the thoughts...

N thanx for making me appreciate ART and looked at it as a wonderful perspective of life..."

All in all, thanks for making me SMILE :)


  1. ala...lilo lambat r..takpe tp lilo still dpt rs kek ittew dr abg syuk yg x merasai nye..hehehe

  2. huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahha
    terharu baca post nieh.
    terima kasih kepada u,kak amy.

    yups...me anggap u,macam makcik me dah.
    pejam celik,dah bertahun kita berkawan kan.
    huuhuhuhuh..cam tak caya jerk.
    macam2 benda kita dah buat bersama.


    n kejutan yang korang buat tu.
    mmg menjadi.hahahaha,me 100 ingat,korang pergi toilet..n just nak pergi snap gambar kat dalam tu.ahahahhahaha.

    terima kasih ya.
    untuk semua ini.

  3. lilo,
    it's ok.. janji lilo datang n sempat lepak sekali...
    yea.. kek itew mmg sedap...
    siap ada oren lagi...
    syuk adalah sangat rugi...

  4. megatttttttt.....

    sama2 megat...

    entry yang special hanya untuk orang yang special jer...

    rasa mcm kejap je kn...
    tp dah byk kita lalui bersama...
    me sggt treasure our friendship...

    yeayyy kejutan 2 menjadik....
    pandai kami berlakon kn...
    nk pg toilet la... apa la...

    sesungguhnya hari 2 sggt indah!!!

    ermmmm... makcik???

    awas kamoooooo...

  5. syuk mana? ceciter..ceciterrr!

  6. syuk tgh bertugas jadi dukun pelawok dkt festival Selangor RIA... dgn Zue Eda... lol


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