Monday, December 27, 2010

Goody Bag that contains FM

Went to my aunt's house for her cucu's majlis aqiqah... Went a bit early, the event starts at 3 but we came at 1.. Tapi sempat merasa Roast Lamb... Ya ampunnsss... sodappp... As we're about to leave, my aunt gave a goody bag...

It may be juz another goody bag.. but the reason i highlight it was because the content is rather unique... It contains puding, bunga telur, chocolate (with edible image & oreo inside)...

The bunga telur is comprises of 3 units of telur puyuh (quail eggs) and a piece of 50 cents coin...

And a KLCC fridge magnet.. as my cousin (the baby's dad) works at Tourism Malaysia... Me lykee... M gonna give it away n not gonna keep it, of coz... typical Malaysian don't keep Malaysian FM kot... teruk kan... Actually, already have one KLCC FM... from the same source gak... its not quite the same as it's a wooden one...

Sapa nak sila angkat keyboardddd yea.... lol


  1. haha! "typical Malaysian don't keep Malaysian FM kot"

    that's why i tak pernah belikan you fm malaysia walaupun ada yg lawa2.. :p

    - Lina RD

  2. muhammad,
    r u sure??
    it's juz KLCC... bukan Eiffel taw... lol
    if u nk, nt i bwk 4 u

    that's y la..
    tp if sggt lawa, juz lemme know, i'll consider..
    lgpun bukan xnak langsung...
    byk gak my local collection...


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