Saturday, April 24, 2010

PC Fair with Hubs n Cuz

This entry is specially dedicated to my beloved cuzzie, Miss Suraya Aiani, or fondly known as Aya.. Besides her other 1001 nicks on9 which i can't recall Selagi x buat, selagi 2 la dia tanya... Fyi, kazen nko ni bukanla jenis rajin nak bercerita... Tapi ko punya pasal aku gigihkan jugak... Ahaks...

Checked out the recent Pikom PC fair at KL Convention Centre as both of us have got some stuff to obtain. For all these while we just discuss through sms, so i asked her to join us to PC fair... Banyak choice n good offerings ***wink2*** So she came down all the way from Banting. Siap withdraw money before going in... Ops! jgn marah...

We walked n tawaf the exhibition centre... We were lots n lots of handouts... Till i had to pass... These manufacturer are so creative in promoting their products by creating 1001 gimics... Mostly 'hot babes'... of coz... So once we find something interesting, we juz grab a pic...

This 'gold man' is from 'Hibikii', i think it's a new brand for speakers n all.. They are also one of the sponsors for the upcoming Kelly Clarkson concert...

Meanwhile, EPSON printers came another kind of promotion. Just take a pic with these 2 gals - be it solo, or group... then they'll get it printed and gave it 2 u within a split second... n it's FREE... the best thing was, i got more than one pic... LOL... Aya siap kena interview by the girls lagi... hahahhaha....

This was at SONY's booth - it's a demo on their 3D televisions. Besides Sony, Samsung & Philips has this kinda TV too... But only Sony had this promo during this PC fair... and the queue was damn looooooonggggg.....

This was at Digi's booth after she registered for broadband... Staff digi yang sangat hampeh actually called he 'Makcik' when she is 2 years younger than me... It's not that we can't accept our age, but as far as service industry is concerned, it's not proper to address a client as 'Makcik'... (Walaupun nko baru dpt title 'makcik' baru2 ni... lol)

Btw, it's lucky draw... Supposedly dapat umbrella, but since it ran out of it, they gave mug instead...

Well, this is our way of shopping for devices... Guess most people are like this, too.... We collected brochures... Studied the specs... Shortlist a few... Pusing lagi to resolve our doubts... Then only we make our decisions.... But he is definitely the one who has to do all the studying part... Siap dok bersila lagi... Then everyone starts to seat around us... Some sat to decide... Mostly, are taking a break after a long walk... lol

After doing lots of considerations, scrutinizing, searching high n low... We've decided... n got our stuff...


And here we are, with our 'long awaited' devices...

Sangat kepenatan after the long walk, we had rest before going off... Supposed 2 check out Saloma Bistro but had 2 head home.. Another cousin's engagement... Uwaaaaa... Nak pegi saloma.... Dah la dekat... huhuhu....

Btw, as we were walking long Suria KLCC, we saw a booth written 'Venezuela' with Edil's name incorporated there. Terus teringat Hub's bff, Edil Munawir... So, I immediately grab a camera n captured... Not forgetting to MMS him, 2... Now, he is currently using it as his FB profile pic...

Back to PC fair matter, these are the stuff that Aya got herself... rabakku kerananya... katanya dalam FB... It's her scarlet Toshiba lappy, Sony DSC-TX5 and Digi broadband...

Besides the lappy, initially she was supposed to get a treadmill, but well, considering a digital camera vs. treadmill, if the advise comes from ME, i definitely ask her to go for the digital camera... The best thing is.. It waterproof, n sleek, n cool... n it's Sony... Well, guess my Sony T-300 da ada cuzzie... lalallalaaaaa... owh ya, payungmu dalam simpananku...

Well.. Introducing lil Netty... This was during our first encounter with her... Welcome abroad, Netty :)

And this is one of the main reason of our selection. It comes with a free DVD Writer worth RM 179.00 during pc fair... Normal price is around RM 190.00 or so... Free gift yang lain, be it 7 or 8 stuff, we don't really mind.. Coz when it comes to value, this one is sangat worth it!!!

N sangat slim... N sleek...

Btw, hubs checked out an IT hypermarket at Ikano a few days after PC fair... It was RM 100.00 higher than the one we paid for... Furthermore, it didn't come with the free DVD writer...

All in all, i'm so grateful that we got a great offer... and got the something that i really needed n awaited for so long... Well, i'm blessed with the rezeki that i got... Syukur Alhamdulillah...

To both of you, it was a great day n great outing... Love both of you so much....


  1. tengkiyu..tengkiyu..
    liputan yang menarek...hik..hik...
    aku tau ko memang gigih bercerita.

    ada 2 yang ko lupa tulis:

    1. sapa kita jumpa yb rite @ yb fake..hahaha
    2. wedges ku yg nyaman...huahahahah....

    "ayg, aya g pki heels...ko gila g pc fair pakai heels ya.."

    owh..syamelia : gaya mutu keunggulan itu penting bagi memantapkan mutivasi membeli belah ye..

  2. btw, sonok sangat jalan2 dgn ko, macam dulu2 gak... walopon skrg ko da ada samsoden... tp dia bagus, sangat sabar n sangat sabar...hahahha... episode kita g mana plak...hik.hik.hik

  3. hahhaha...
    aku x gigih bercerita la...
    ada part yg aku lupa n nko lupa : part nko nk pakai blusher sebb nk masuk blog...

    akan kucari wedges mu itew....

    nt nko carik spesis mcm samsoden gak ek :D

    akan ku pikirkan destinasi seterusnya...

  4. mesti happy with ur li' netty...hehehe

    btw, that scarlet toshiba is gorgeous... I like :D

  5. cunnya kaler merah lappy tuh...

  6. dak scarlet tu memang pakej puspawangi la... ada rupa, berbudi bahasa, bijak, cekap...
    tu yang hari2 tido peluk dia tu...ekekekeke...

    1 lagi yg penting she's slimmmmmmelimmm... tu yg wat aku BERILTIZAM refuse carbo(???) ekekeke... akankah aku?

  7. sudeyyyy..
    aku taw la spec nko lagi tgi...
    kalu beza setakat 200 or 300 dgn netty aku, aku dah grab sebijik...

    xperlu puspawangi sgt kot...
    pas2 cam nko is tok janggut...


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