Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Memories of Achik at IRCC

The passing of Achik Spin had given a significant impact towards the entertainment industry. As I seat n look back, I recalled that I actually met him in person before, way back in 2006. It was a collaboration event organized by Selangor FM. He was the guest artist with his duet, Siti Nurdiana...

It was a passing of another artist I met... After Allahyarham Hani Mohsein (met him somewhere in 2004) & Din Beramboi (met him during the recent Raja Lawak season)...

Semoga Roh mereka dicucuri rahmat...

ps : i actually have a pic with Arwah n Nana but for some reason, I didn't wanna incorporate it here...


  1. Al-Fatihah...semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat...

    Arwah Achik ni mukanya babyface. nampak mcm awal 20an atau belasan tahun aja. Takziah kepada keluarganya

  2. tol 2 edz...
    mmg muka baby face...
    seswai sgt dgn lagu 'plg comel' dia n nana..
    now semua tgl memori :(


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