Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tafufa Goreng

Found a great snack at Bandar Baru Bangi. It located at Section 4 (if m not mistaken).. Amongst  the stalls next to Restaurant Yus.. Other stall sells Putu Piring, Pisang Goreng n such... But this one is rather unique.. N new to me... x certain if there are other entrepreneur that sells this before..

Initially, when hubs said that he was getting 'tauhu goreng', i tot it was juz like the normal ones like pisang goreng.. But when i reached there, i saw a totally different of 'tauhu goreng'.. No wonder it's called taufufah goreng...
 see.. sangat kemas kan... n x oily pun...

The tofu is some kind of soft tofu... Once it's fried, it tends to get crispy outside yet really soft in the inside..

Then it is placed in a container (tapau box precisely).. Topped with sauce.. One may choose between sweet or spicy type of sauce.. They kinda 'kelar' it first to ensure the sauce absorbs deeply..

Topped by crushed peanuts... Another layer of sauce again + peanut.. Finally sprinkled with sesame @ bijan...
 By the time we got home... The sauce are mostly penetrated to the tofu...

They are so x kedekut sauce... See... Almost half container is filled with sauce...

Lalala.... serious sedap... n lembuttt...

 It is price at RM 2 .00 for single.. and RM 3.50 for double...

The stall is taken cared by two young gentlemen. Sorang masak / goreng tofu and sorang do the finishing part plus cashiering..  I'm amazed by the way they prepare it... Sangat neat and tidy...

Don't be surprise if there's long queue awaiting...


  1. bestnya... terancam tgk time poser nih....
    hmmm tapi jauh lah pulak ... :(

  2. ooo ni kew rupanya taufu fa grg..

  3. sid,
    mmg agak jauh..
    xtaw la if kl ada...

    iyer la.. ni lah dia...

  4. Salam. . Hai semua saya kamal yg menjual taufu faa goreng ni. Btwy thank for promot product sy , trima kasih banyak2


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