Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Tour at Hershey's Chocolate World

As we walked by City Link Shopping Centre, Singapore... we passed by one store in that caught my eyes - Hershey's Chocolate World... OMG!!! Segala tok nenek ancestor sampai ke cucu cicit ada sini....


 hersheys... hersheys... n more hersheys...
 Hershey's kisses - sucha hugeee one!!!
but it's really light - it's a tabung la...
but the smaller ones a real
 Lina, Fyza... Chocolate sauce...
Chocolate chips... Cooking chocolate....
Sebaik jauh... if this is near our hotel, i would've got a few n took home :)

 They even have Hershey's pillow...
Comes in 2 types - the bulu2 n the valvet...
damn ffluyyyy!!!

 Comeeyy kan the Hershey's man???
On the other hand, i was holding a thick chocolate sauce jar...
 Hershey's bowl, mug n such...

Whatever it is, my fav. is always DARK CHOCOLATE!!!
the bitter... the better :)

well, we finally settled for Gelato next door - it's IL GELATO DE BRUNO

had choc, cappucino n mr nittoo... (x ingat la)

thx for bring us there, Lina :)
n melayan my kerenah yg owez nak singgah jer


  1. ooh oooh ooh!! aduhai...kalau saya kat sana, mmg habis duit ni haha.
    kak amy, bantal takde bau coklat ke.. :D

  2. bestnyerrr...<3
    n lapar tgk aiskrim tu, hehehehe

  3. edz,
    mmg habis duit la kalu dekat sana..
    semua pun menarik...

    mana da bau choc.. tp sedap dipelukkk...
    lembut jerr...

    pasni kita date mkn ice cream plak eh :D


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