Wednesday, February 16, 2011

May He Gain Speedy Recovery

Visited my colleague's son at Pediatric Care Unit, PPUM...

Seeing this 4 year old boy lying there.. helpless... in pain.... with all the medical gadgets is sufficient enough to make anyone falls apart...

He is admitted due to fit / sawan... initially, this case was referred from Darul Ehsan Medical Center of Shah Alam...

Need not say much about it... Everyone is praying n hoping that he will recover soon.. really soon.. Furthermore, my colleague is currently expecting another baby... and depression is certainly a big NO NO for her... Please get well really soon, Isma yg chumells... Ciannn Ibu... n Ayah...

Ya Allah... 
Sembuhkanlah SHAFIQ ISMA B. ROSDI dengan kadar segera...
Dan permudahkanlah segala urusan...
Aminnnn Ya Rabbal Alaminnnn....



  1. teruk ke dia sawan kak amy....mmg sedih bila tgk buda2 terlantar sakit kn...

  2. semoga segalanya dipermudahkan... insya allah...

  3. Kesian nya :( I nearly cried looking at these photos. May he get well soon..

  4. Ya Allah...Engkau bantulah anak ini...sembuhkanlah dia...

    ku doakan adik ini cepat sembuh. minta keluarganya byk2 bersabar ya

  5. dear girls...
    thx for the doa...
    may Allah grant it soon...
    fyi, he is still in PCU...

    really hope he gets well soon... aminnnn

  6. kesiannya dia.. tersentuh hati ni..

    kecik2 dah tempuh dugaan mcm nie.. semoga dia kuat menghadapi semua nie lagi2 bila dia dah besar nanti..

    semoga dia cpt sembuh.. insya-Allah.. Allah s.w.t sentiasa melindungi beliau.. insya-Allah..

    - Lina RD


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