Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Get Well Soon, Abah

Salam Aidiladha...

As usual, my Raye Haji is not as happening as Raye Puasa... Furthermore when my dad in is admitted in Institut Perubatan Respiratori, HKL 2 days before Aidiladha... Initially he had some lung problem but as for now it's more to his asthmatic thingy...

Well, m sure celebrating Aidiladha at the ward is certainly not something favorable for anyone especially for someone whom is so attached to the surau and the local community...

inhaling his Ventolin via a device...

Juz praying for the best and may he gets well, soon... aminnn..


  1. Semoga abah Amy cepat sembuh dan dapat balik ke rumah. Mesti dia agak kecewa tak dapat sembahyang raya dan sama2 bergotong royong melakukan ibadat korban semalam. Tapi insyaAllah masih dapat pahala bagi amalan yg dah biasa dilakukan w/p tak dapat membuatnya kerana sakit. Itu kata ustaz kat tempat paman ni.

  2. terima kasih atas doa paman...
    insyaAllah paman...

  3. Hi Kak Amy. terlambat baca ini. Apa khabar Abah Kak Amy? Semoga dia cepat sembuh ya. Amin....

  4. alhamdulillah...
    dah discharge...
    thx edz


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