Due to my carelessness, i left something extremely precious at the surau of Petronas NKVE.
Didn't know it happened.. I somehow took it out of my bag too search for some stuff. Put it aside. As one finishes performing their solat, they'll stack the sejadah and guess i must've overlooked it as it was already underneath the piles of sejadah.
Later, when i was having dinner and wanted to take pics of the foods (as usual :), i realized that my camera is not in my bag. And i was damn sure i got it with me. I will normally take pics via BB.. but somehow today i juz feel like taking it with my camera... Glad i did.. or else i wouldn't even realize it wasn't there...
Rushed up from Kayu Ara straight back to Petronas NKVE. I'll go to surau, if it's not there, i'll head to the counter and if it's still not there.....???? i really didn't have any idea then...
Alhamdulillah... It was safely there.. right below the piles of sejadah..
To all the wonderful ladies whom were at surau of Petronas NKVE performing their Maghrib and saw it, yet didn't make any negative attempt towards it...
"sesungguhnya kalian berhati mulia...
semoga Allah merahmati kalian
dan sentiasa berada di bawah lindungannya
Lesson learned!!!
One of it is not too abandon my precious... BB will never take it's place despite the convenience...
Thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you again...
Sggt bersyukur... Alhamdulillah...
Thank you ALLAH :)
ps :
Earlier 2day hubs carelessly misplaced his keys.. Now me with my camera.. Things are always mutual to us - eversince we were dating..
Guess some things are meant to be... Wallahu a'lam...