Had another experience of donating blood.. This is my second time.. My first was back in February 2011... Supposed to be braver this time but apparently i freaked out even worse.. Probably coz hubs wasn't around n i knew the squeal..
This was during the process. Despite the freaks, I had a chat with the PR of HTAR n suddenly i heard someone saying that mine dah nak penuh.. Wah! so fast.. Didn't even realize it..
They will basically your arm around the yellow thingy.. Its to put pressure so senang carik urat.. Felt numb subsequently but it was juz for a while.. Wasn't painful pun.. Then they gave a painkiller.. And put a needle on my arm.. And taraaaa... my blood flows smoothly...
A plaster once i was done.. it was to stop bleeding...
This is my blood.. It's B+.. Just need 450 ml...
With my colleagues... I was done by that time.. All in all, it wasn't bad at all... No doubt i felt a dizzy after the process.. The nurse asked me to sit till i'm ok.. Then i got up and had a glass of milo n bun.. Thay even supplied 2 types of tables : Folic Acid & Iron for 5 days...
They even gave you a card for record..
Donating blood was a great experience for me.. Felt really good after performing it.. N just hope my blood is accepted.. A lot of process actually...
Just hope more friend out there will do it.. Me no angel, but felt that this is the only thing i can help.. If one is worried of needle, takut gemuk n all the craps.. Excuse my word but to me you are being plain SELFISH! Your fear leads to not helping people.. When some people can benefit yr help.. You may safe a life too.. Especially when u are O..