As Megat n Ray broke the news that they were going for a vacation to Bandung, I am the one who got excited about it... Always been in love the so called Kota Kembang... The last tyme i went was way back in 2007.
Therefore, i've got 1001 stuff on my mind to kirim from them. Apparently, I didn't get the chance to meet them before they left thus, i didn't get to pass any cash. So, if 'kirim air liur' xkanlah nak kirim segala tok nenek...
I limited the stuff i wanted to the most prior - a material for my upcoming cuz's n-gagement aka E-Day (bak kata Waty)... The theme will be GRAY!!
They so skeptical at the first place... Takut x reti pilih la... n so on... but, knowing them i know that i can always count on their taste as they know what's the best n suits me...

Therefore, i've got 1001 stuff on my mind to kirim from them. Apparently, I didn't get the chance to meet them before they left thus, i didn't get to pass any cash. So, if 'kirim air liur' xkanlah nak kirim segala tok nenek...
I limited the stuff i wanted to the most prior - a material for my upcoming cuz's n-gagement aka E-Day (bak kata Waty)... The theme will be GRAY!!
They so skeptical at the first place... Takut x reti pilih la... n so on... but, knowing them i know that i can always count on their taste as they know what's the best n suits me...
Despite all the rambang mata syndrome that they experienced... juz have a look at the material that Ray was holding.. nice kan?
It a bluish gray material with a glittery motive... It looked so rich n exclusive... Need to find something good to match it with... The material is so soft... Hubs kata, it's some kinda silk... and the price memang sangat worth for this kinda material... Ray kata, if i xnak, his sis already got her eyes on it... Mau idok?? Terus je pegi umah dorg to get it... X sabo uols...
Meanwhile, Megat got me fridge magnets... yeayyyy... Material, material gaks, but FM is WAJIB... lol... He got several tortoise for his collection and gave me one... Eventhough it's not Bandung in-scripted, but the feature is so real..
-- Thanx a lot, guys Glad u had a wonderful tyme there... Thus, made me miss Bandung even more....
and thx for the snappy snap, Megattt :) tapi x sempat makan yr sup bebola dageng... uwaaaa
and thx for the snappy snap, Megattt :) tapi x sempat makan yr sup bebola dageng... uwaaaa
Bandung memang best...ty pun nak gi sekali lagi...dunia shopping...
ReplyDeletewal hal...sama jerkkk kat Msia ala2 kat pantai timur....tapi tu la kan...janji over the seaaa.....
hehehe...kura-kura dalam perahu, pura2 tak tahu...weeee.....
tanteeekkkk fridge magnet tu...dah penuh ke door fridge kak amy?....nanti tak de rupa fridge datang tak kenal mana fridge maner frame
ty jeles....
ReplyDeletekalu ikut fridge, xla penuh sgt, ada la skt2... eceh...
tp semua transfer dlm 'rumah' yg tersendiri...
tp dah penuh, kena belu 'rumah' baru utk dorg...
bandung mmg besh la... nak pegi lagi...
x sama la dgn pantai timo...
tp of cos la, hujan emas negeri org, kn...
me pun lupa
me ada masak soup bebola ahahahahhahahaah
tu lah
kecoh ngan shooting n snap picca bagai.
tak pa
next time me masak lagi.
it's ok la...
ReplyDeletei pun x larat nk lalu depan camera n lampoo bagai..
yg penting i got my material, pic, FM n dapat tgk uols nyer pic ms dkt sana...
next tyme kita makan2 okies :)
next time k
ReplyDeleteme masak lagi sekali
soup bebolaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassszzz
nyum nyum